Geinberg Suites Hotel
I had the opportunity to meet the owner of Geinberg Suites in Austria. He was an 84 year old wise man. After a short conversation, he told about his business – the hotel and that he needed some improvements for his website and business. And I realized that I know how to help him
On the old website there was no booking and viewing of available rooms, no payment, no banal pages of rooms with detailed photos and description.
We decided to create a new website with a unique design and necessary features to automate booking process.
– My website was created 8 years ago, there were other standarts and functions. I wanna keep up with the times

— As usual we started with brief, i asked all questions i need, we disccus a little about website visual part, functions and booking system inside CMS
— This site is my second in the hospitality industry, but this project will be more serious. So I researched the niche, found the pain points and started develop my solution.
— The challenge at this stage was to find a suitable base for the booking, payment, calendar and room service. I decided on a WordPress hotel-specific theme, found several ready-made solutions for reservations and tested them.
— So, the base is found, the design is ready and approved, it’s time to start building the site, implementing and customizing plugins and testing




Much to our regret, the site was never released online as the owner of the hotel was 84 years old at the time and suddenly became seriously ill. The project had to be frozen, but we unfortunately never got back to it….